The Weather Network add Local Search and adds Weather – A Deeper Look at this Partnership

On January 7, YPG issues the following press release – “Yellow Pages Group Partners With The Weather Network And MétéoMédia to Provide Local Weather on“.

Greg Sterling did a commentary on the integration on this website, titled, “Weather An Engaging Add for YPG” in which he goes on to say, “This seems like a very small thing: Yellow Pages Group Partners With The Weather Network and MeteoMedia to Provide Local Weather on . . . But it has some interesting potential to drive more frequent usage of the site.” Some interesting discussion on this post – check it out to read all the comments.

I thought I would show some integration from both a and a perspective. The deal itself is actually a two-way deal – having The Weather Network integrated on and integrated on The Weather Network.

From a Perspective:

Let’s assume that a user was conducting a Dentists in Vancouver search from the home page of

Dentists in Vancouver on

On the following search results page, you will notice above the map – it gives you the current weather conditions within Vancouver.

Dentists in Vancouver Search Results Page with Weather on

If you want a longer term view of the weather, simply click on the “Forcast” and you will see the weather for the next 24-hours.

Dentists in Vancouver Search Results Page with Extended Forecast on

From the press release, “The addition of local weather forecasts on™ is another feature within our online environment that will help consumers make better decisions, when looking for local information,” said Nicolas Gaudreau, Vice-President, Digital Media, Yellow Pages Group. “We are thrilled to partner with The Weather Network and MétéoMédia to continue providing Canadians with useful and locally relevant information.”

From a Perspective: itself is one of the true local players in Canada. If has every city and town in the country in which you can your weather forecast from. Under this deal, they have added to each of these local pages to make it easier for their users to get local business information.

Located just below the Weather News on each of their city pages (the following example is for Weather in Vanvouver) you will see the integrated search with some popular link categories.

Weather in Vancouver with Local Search provided by

Let’s assume that you clicked on Restaurants on The Weather Network, you would be redirected to the following page. Notice the search box, you can enter any local keyword in there for results page on the city in which you are viewing the weather in.

Restaurants in Vancouver from TheWeatherNetwork

What These Means for Local Businesses

This extends the reach for all local businesses listed on with one of Canada’s Leading Online Properties. is one of the top 25 online properties (according to ComScore MediaMetrix) in Canada and now businesses are either one click or one keyword away from potential consumers.

Tell Me What You Think

If you are interested in working with YPG Canada on these types of integrations, please feel free to connect with me. As Director of Business Development, these types of integrations are just a part of my teams deliverables. Connect with me via LinkedIn-Darby Sieben and I will respond with my work email address and next steps in the discussion.

If you have comments on this integration, please feel free to post a comment.